HDSC Seminar, Fall 2023

Organizer: Michael Lindsey
Meeting details: Tuesday 11-12, Evans 732


Welcome to an informal seminar on high-dimensional scientific computing (HDSC). We will investigate paradigms for HDSC including tensor networks, Monte Carlo methods, semidefinite programming relaxations, graphical models, neural networks, and more, as well as tools from numerical linear algebra and optimization.


Click for abstracts.

September 5
Speaker: Michael Lindsey [home page]
Topic: Introduction to tensor networks

Abstract. I will introduce the concept of a tensor network and overview some areas of application. Then I will introduce the most widely used tensor network format, the matrix product state (MPS), also known as the tensor train (TT). I will explain some of the key operations within the MPS format.

September 12
Speaker: Michael Lindsey [home page]
Topic: Introduction to tensor networks (continued)

Abstract. I will introduce the concept of a tensor network and overview some areas of application. Then I will introduce the most widely used tensor network format, the matrix product state (MPS), also known as the tensor train (TT). I will explain some of the key operations within the MPS format.

September 19
Speaker: Vivek Bharadwaj [home page]
Topic: Cross and ALS algorithms for efficient MPS computation

Abstract. Given black-box access to a tensor, we seek an efficient algorithm to compute a matrix product state (MPS, also known as a tensor train) that approximates it with high accuracy, preferably without evaluating the whole tensor. The most popular schemes for this problem are heuristics that hold all but one MPS core constant while optimizing the remaining core according to some objective. The first part of this talk covers the TT-cross algorithm, a generalization of the greedy matrix cross approximation strategy to the tensor case. While this algorithm has few guarantees, it performs exceedingly well on tensors that admit a low-error MPS approximation. This talk also covers strategies based on alternating least-squares, which drives down the L2 error iteratively by solving a sequence of linear least-squares problems involving the MPS cores. These algorithms have slightly stronger guarantees, but require more sophisticated mathematical tools (such as statistical leverage score sampling) to avoid exponentially high computation costs. If time permits, animations of these two algorithms will be shown on a simple toy problem.

September 26
Speaker: Vivek Bharadwaj [home page]
Topic: Cross and ALS algorithms for efficient MPS computation (continued)

Abstract. Given black-box access to a tensor, we seek an efficient algorithm to compute a matrix product state (MPS, also known as a tensor train) that approximates it with high accuracy, preferably without evaluating the whole tensor. The most popular schemes for this problem are heuristics that hold all but one MPS core constant while optimizing the remaining core according to some objective. The first part of this talk covers the TT-cross algorithm, a generalization of the greedy matrix cross approximation strategy to the tensor case. While this algorithm has few guarantees, it performs exceedingly well on tensors that admit a low-error MPS approximation. This talk also covers strategies based on alternating least-squares, which drives down the L2 error iteratively by solving a sequence of linear least-squares problems involving the MPS cores. These algorithms have slightly stronger guarantees, but require more sophisticated mathematical tools (such as statistical leverage score sampling) to avoid exponentially high computation costs. If time permits, animations of these two algorithms will be shown on a simple toy problem.

October 3
Speaker: Michael Kielstra [home page] [slides]
Topic: A tensor-train accelerated solver for integral equations

Abstract. Review of this paper.

October 10
Speaker: Tom Schang [home page]
Topic: The dynamical mode decomposition

Abstract. I will introduce the dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) in the context of fluid analysis. More generally, we will see how DMD enables data-based characterization of the dominant modes of complex dynamical systems. Lastly, we explore the use of DMD to predict evolution of nonlinear PDEs.

October 17
Speaker: Adrianne Zhong [home page]
Topic: Stochastic normalizing flows

Abstract. Suppose we want to draw equilibrium samples from some probability density \rho(x) --- potentially multimodal and difficult to sample from. Stochastic normalizing flows define a method starting with samples from a different distribution \rho_0 --- typically a Gaussian --- and learning a drift field that "flows" \rho_0 to the target \rho over a finite number of Langevin steps. This method produces unbiased samples and can speed up sampling by a few orders of magnitude.

October 24
Speaker: Yuhang Cai [home page]
Topic: Convex potential flows

Abstract. Convex potential flows (CP-flows) form an efficient parameterization of invertible maps for generative modeling, inspired by optimal transport (OT) theory. A CP-flow is the gradient map of a strongly convex potential function. Maximum likelihood estimation is enabled by a specialized estimator of the gradient of the log-determinant of the Jacobian. Theoretically, CP-Flows are universal density approximators and are optimal in the OT sense. Empirical results also show that CP-flows perform competitively on standard benchmarks for density estimation and variational inference.

October 31
No seminar today.

Happy Halloween!

November 7
Speaker: Arnold Mong
Topic: General tensor network contraction

Abstract. Review of the paper Hyper-optimized tensor network contraction.

November 14
No seminar today.

November 21
Speaker: Michael Kielstra [home page]
Topic: Matrix functions by contour integrals

Abstraact. Review of this paper.

November 28
Speaker: Lewis Pan [home page]
Topic: Pseudospectral discontinuous Galerkin methods

Abstract. In a line, Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods combine the ideas of Finite Elements and Finite Volumes to address the respective shortcomings of the two methods. Since its discovery in the 70s it has however remained largely an academic endeavour that has seen very little use in industry. In this talk I will briefly describe the DG method and discuss some of the challenges limiting its use. I will also introduce the Pseudospectral DG method which attempts to address some of these issues, and discuss the possibility of applying such methods to problems arising in quantum chemistry.

November 30
Speaker: Louis Sharrock [home page]
Topic: Learning-rate-free methods for sampling from unnormalised probability distributions

Abstract. In recent years, particle-based variational inference (ParVI) methods such as Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD) have grown in popularity as scalable methods for sampling from unnormalised probability distributions. Unfortunately, the properties of such methods invariably depend on hyperparameters such as the learning rate, which must be carefully tuned by the practitioner in order to ensure convergence to the target measure at a suitable rate. In this work, we introduce coin sampling, a new particle-based method for sampling based on coin betting, which is entirely learning-rate free. We illustrate the performance of our approach on a range of numerical examples, including several high-dimensional models and datasets, demonstrating comparable performance to other ParVI algorithms with no need to tune a learning rate.

Sample topics to present

In no particular order.
  1. Stochastic Optimal Control for CV Free Sampling of Molecular Transition Paths

  2. Equispaced Fourier representations for efficient GPR

  3. Structured matrix recovery from matvecs: Lin et al, Halikias and Townsend

  4. Kernel Interpolation with Sparse Grids

  5. A DEIM Induced CUR Factorization

  6. Randomly pivoted Cholesky and XTrace

  7. Belief propagation background
    1. Wainwright and Jordan
    2. Mézard and Montanari

  8. Belief propagation for tensor networks
    1. Duality of Graphical Models and Tensor Networks
    2. Block Belief Propagation Algorithm for 2D Tensor Networks
    3. Gauging tensor networks with belief propagation

  9. General tensor network contraction
    1. Hyper-optimized tensor network contraction
    2. Hyper-optimized compressed contraction of tensor networks with arbitrary geometry
    3. Contracting Arbitrary Tensor Networks

  10. Arithmetic circuit tensor networks

  11. QTT for integral equations

  12. Neural networks and Gaussian processes
    1. Deep Neural Networks as Gaussian Processes
    2. Neural tangent kernel
    3. Wide Bayesian neural networks have a simple weight posterior

  13. Generative modeling
    1. Building Normalizing Flows with Stochastic Interpolants
    2. Stochastic Interpolants: A Unifying Framework for Flows and Diffusions
    3. Invertible Residual Networks
    4. Convex Potential Flows

  14. Crash course in pseudospectral methods, i.e., Ch. 4-5 of Boyd's book

  15. Adaptive multigrid
    1. Adaptive smoothed aggregation
    2. Adaptive algebraic multigrid
    3. Multigrid deflation for trace estimation

  16. Sampling for lattice gauge theories, cf. Gattringer and Lang and talk to me

  17. Complex Langevin, cf. this review and Sec. 8 of this review